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"Destined to Rule One's Self"


Catalyst for Opportunity



Advocate for leadership excellence career progression, and promotion opportunities through mentoring, education, training, professional development and networking support.​​​

President's Message



It is with great pleasure and humility that I thank the members of Khalfani for electing me to serve as your next President. I cannot thank you enough for providing this wonderful opportunity – I do not take this position for granted.


I will continue to work hard to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We will continue to support and serve as an advocate in the bigger picture for our African American constituents, making a difference in our communities and the lives of others. 


I know it is a significant commitment, but I am prepared to contribute along with all chapter members to build upon the successes of the past and to fulfill Khalfani’s mission to support, promote and protect our interests and the wider community.


If you want the cooperation of humans around you, you must make them feel they are important – and you do that by being genuine and humble. -Nelson Mandela


Tonya D. Lesane


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